Illegal Crossing of the State Border in Light of Polish Criminal Law


  • Katarzyna Banasik



Schengen Borders Code, internal borders, external borders, unlawful crossing of the state border, penalization of illegal crossing the Polish border, statute of limitations, rehabilitation of offender


The subject of this paper is the illegal crossing of the Polish border. The paper focuses on criminal law issues. To explain the element “in violation of the relevant regulations,” being one of the elements of the criminal offences regarding the illegal crossing of the state border, the author begins by presenting the significant regulations of the Schengen Borders Code and of the Polish statute on the protection of the state border. The author then makes a detailed analysis of offences concerning the unlawful crossing of the Polish border. The statute of limitations on punishability and provisions for the rehabilitation of offenders convicted of the illegal crossing of the Polish border are also the subject of the analysis. The author concludes by making the evaluation of Polish criminal law regulations on the illegal crossing of the state border.


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  2. Agreement between the Republic of Poland and Ukraine “On Legal Regime on the Polish-Ukrainian State Border and Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Border Issues.” Kyiv, January 12, 1993, Dziennik Ustaw 63 (1994), item 267.
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  7. Statute of 12 October 1990 “On the Protection of State Border.” Dziennik Ustaw, November 19, 1990, No. 78, pos. 461 with later changes.
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How to Cite

Banasik, K. (2016). Illegal Crossing of the State Border in Light of Polish Criminal Law. Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal, (2), 189–201.